Photo credit: Jacinta Lagos
Hi friends!
I love my photography when it illustrates truth, when it is created with intention and when I can confidently feel connected with what I am making and those I am making it with. The strongest connections are with others that have a willingness to share their story with me and feeling that connection comes when I am present in the moment, a place I want to stay in more often.
I am a mom to a beautiful 10 yr old and she is everything I ever wanted in a little human. She is sensitive, kind, fiery as hell and just may drive me bananas before I know it. She has the ability to bring me right to edge of a cliff and then gently pull me back to safety. Her will is stronger than mine was at this age but that assures me that she will be a- ok as an adult.
I have a third passion in this life and it’s taken me most of my adult life to realize it. I need some soul magic in order to exist in this trying world and horses are just that, my soul magic. Their presence brings me an indescribable calmness within the chaos of my life. They have taught me to love without fear. to trust the unseen and to be vulnerable in ways I cannot with even the closest of human relationships.
All and all what I have learned is that real life lives below the surface, that the most joy you will ever experience is found very close to home and that the relationships and connections you make in life - when they are real good- you want to work hard to keep them. I know that as I continue to grow both personally and creatively, my thoughts will shift with it, but until then it sure is nice to be right here!
Let’s connect and begin a beautiful journey together.
If you are looking to make imagery that represents who you are in this current season of your life,then I want to work with you. The photographs we will make together will be something to enjoy not only in the years to come, but now as well.
This is my service to you